Bra/Back Lift Surgery Procedure

This is an operation that removes the excess and subcutaneous fat from the upper part of the back. The incision is centred in the middle of the , which is usually covered by a bra. As a result of removing the excess and fat in this area, the contour of the in the upper part of the back is improved. There is also an improvement and re-contouring of the on the lower back, as a result of the lift produced.

The resulting scar is usually concealed by clothing such as a bra, vest or a swimming top. The incision and final scar can also be extended to link in with a scar from breast reduction or breast lift surgery.

This surgery can also be combined with other forms of breast surgery as well as an arm reduction (Brachioplasty) as well as other types of body contour surgery. This surgery can also be used to improve the excess that extends around the sides of the body and up into the armpit area. This surgery is a highly effective technique for achieving aesthetic re-contouring for patients with soft-tissue rolls and laxity in the middle, upper and lower back.


It is essentially indicated in definite conditions such as:

1.There is intertrigo (severe rashes and ulceration) or another condition that risks loss of integrity and has failed three months of conventional (non-surgical) treatment.

2.The excess interferes with the activities of daily living.

3.The weight loss is equivalent to a loss of 5 BMI (body mass index) points, which has been stable for at least six months.