Breast Augmentation Surgery in Mumbai

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation sometimes referred to as a ‘boob job’ or cosmetic breast augmentation by patients, involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of your breasts.


Breast augmentation surgery Overview


About Breast Augmentation:Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that increases the size of the breasts. It entails inserting breast implants beneath the breast tissue or chest muscles.

Process Length:The length of surgery procedure is 1 to 3 hours (may depends)

Breast Augmentation Recovery Time:Breast augmentation recovery - 3 to 4 days. Rest Time - 4 to 6 weeks

Who needs Breast Enlargement:As women age or lose weight, they may experience a loss of breast volume and may seek breast enlargement to restore a more youthful and full appearance.

Breast Augmentation Purpose

Breast implants or breast enlargements involve placing implants behind the breast. The purpose of such surgeries is to enhance the shape and size of the breast by implanting silicone gel sacs.

The size and asymmetry of your breasts can, however, be reduced in a safe and effective way. Known as breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery, this procedure has given incredible results to women all over the world.

What to Expect at The Consultation with Dr Vinay Jacob?

With the help of our team of highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeons here at The Plastic Surgeon , you will be able to understand the options and make the right decision for your body type based on what we explain to you.

It is significant to note that a plastic surgeon who has experience in breast augmentation will customize the procedure according to a patient's individual needs.

of the most effective methods to make you feel more voluptuous and feminine is by undergoing cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation. This is one of the most effective methods for you to feel more voluptuous and feminine.

What is Breast Implant Surgery?

In addition to breast augmentation surgery, breast enlargement surgery is also known as boob job surgery, breast implant surgery, and fat transfer breast augmentation.

The procedure can be performed by either using fat grafting or breast implants (saline implants or silicone implants) to correct the issue of having smaller breasts for whatever reason may exist as well as to achieve larger, proportionate breasts by using either fat grafting or breast implants.

Why Breast Enlargement Is Done?

Your breasts are smaller and you want deeper cleavage.

Your breast size and shape have diminished due to massive weight loss.

You may lose breast volume due to natural aging or breastfeeding.

Your breasts are asymmetrical or have an uneven shape that makes you uncomfortable in public.

An implant can be placed either directly behind the breast tissue (subglandular or subfascial), or more deeply under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular or subpectoral) or using a combination of the above (dual plane technique).

Type of Breast Implants used in Breast Implant Surgery

There are two types of Breast Implants are :

Saline Breast Implants filled with Sterile Saline Solution.

Silicone Breast Implants filled with Viscous Silicone Gel.

Fourth generation silicone implants are the best breast implants which are used by our team.

Patients also have a choice of:

Incision location:inframammary (under the breast), Periareolar (under the nipple) and through the armpit (trans-axillary).

Implant position:submuscular, subglandular/ subfascial, or dual plane.

Implant surface:smooth, textured or polyurethane (Brazilian furry).

Implant fill:saline or silicone gel.

We would normally see patients for two consultations, to ensure that their aesthetic goals are met with respect to shape and size.

The woman with breast implants is able to breast-feed her infant; yet breast implant devices occasionally cause functional breast-feeding difficulties, especially the mammoplasty procedures that feature periareolar incisions and subglandular emplacement, which have greater incidences of breast-feeding difficulties.

what to expect before breast augmentation?

Before breast augmentation, there are several things that you can expect. Here are some of the key steps involved in the process:

Consultation:You will meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your breast augmentation goals, expectations, and options. You can also discuss any medical conditions or medications you are taking that may impact the procedure during this consultation.

Pre-operative evaluation:A physical examination and various tests, such as blood tests and a mammogram, will be performed before surgery to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Choosing the right implant:You and your surgeon will decide on the size, shape, and type of implant best for you. Your surgeon will review the various options, such as saline vs. silicone implants and textured vs. smooth implants, with you and assist you in making an informed decision.

Pre-operative instructions:Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. This may include discontinuing certain medications or supplements, refraining from smoking or drinking alcohol, and arranging for someone to drive you home following the procedure

The procedure of Breast Implants

The following are the basic steps in the breast augmentation procedure

Anaesthesia:The surgeon will administer general or local anesthesia with sedation to keep you comfortable and pain-free during the surgery.

Incision:To create a pocket for the implant, the surgeon will make an inconspicuous incision, such as under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit.

Implant placement:The surgeon will place the implant under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle, depending on the desired outcome and individual anatomy.

Closing the incision:The incision will be closed with sutures, skin adhesive, or surgical tape by the surgeon.

Recovery:You will be monitored in a recovery room and may be able to return home the same day or the next. Wear a supportive bra and avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks following surgery.

To ensure a safe and successful outcome, it is critical to discuss your goals and expectations with your surgeon before surgery and carefully follow all post-operative instructions. Breast augmentation surgery is a complex procedure that necessitates the skills and expertise of an experienced and qualified surgeon.

What is the lifespan of breast augmentation?

Breast implants, in general, are not considered lifetime devices and may need to be replaced in the future. Breast augmentation implants typically have a lifespan of 10 to 20 years. However, some patients may need to have their implants replaced sooner due to complications or other issues.

Combining Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy

It is possible to combine a breast augmentation with a mastopexy breast lift. This is a common procedure that is used to correct the loss of volume and the sagging breastfeeding with the changes that occur during breast-feeding (lactation).

Recovery & Results

You may be discharged the same day.

It is recommended that you wear a sports bra for four weeks.

In two to three weeks, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising.

Taking a week off from work would allow you to return to a desk job if that is what your profession demands.

During the four-week period, all strenuous activities will be restricted, including upper body exercises, swimming, driving, and lifting heavy weights.

Potential Risks

Fortunately, significant complications from Breast Implant are infrequent. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful hair restoration and are pleased with the results.

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. The cosmetic surgeon will explain to you all the details about procedure, benefits, potential risks and complications and before you will be asked to sign a consent.

In the specific case of Breast Implant, it may happen that the hair follicles themselves may become inflamed or infected. For this reason, the plastic surgeon will prescribe antibiotic medication during the recovery time.

Combining Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy

It is possible to combine a breast augmentation with a mastopexy (breast lift). This is a common procedure that is used to correct the loss of volume and the sagging breastfeeding with the changes that occur during breast-feeding (lactation).

Advantages of Combining Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy

The advantage of combining the procedures is that it may reduce the costs and it is also possible to reduce the size, length and number of scars involved. Not all cases are suitable to undergo a combined procedure. It may be necessary to perform the mastopexy three months prior to performing an augmentation. When a combined procedure is performed, only a moderate projection implant can usually be employed. Furthermore, it is very difficult to perform the surgery as a single stage procedure if very large implants are used.

When a combined procedure is performed, only a moderate projection implant can usually be employed. Furthermore, it is very difficult to perform the surgery as a single stage procedure if very large implants are used. The mastopexy scar may be a circular scar around the nipple (periareolar), a circumvertical scar which is a lollipop type scar with the scar running around the circumference of the nipple with an extension running from the nipple to below the breast fold.

In extreme cases, it may be necessary to employ an anchor pattern scar (or Wise pattern) which consists of a circular scar around the nipple, a vertical scar from the nipple which connects with a small horizontal scar running underneath the breasts. The breast implant may be able to be inserted through any of the above three types of scars.

Dr.Vinay Jacob are acknowledged as best plastic surgeons for breast implants. They have achieved incredible desired results for many a patient. This has been significantly relevant in the context of the difficult and tuberous breast volume and shape enhancement.


Recovery & Results

You may be discharged the same day. It is recommended that you wear a sports bra for four weeks. In two to three weeks, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Taking a week off from work would allow you to return to a desk job if that is what your profession demands. During the four-week period, all strenuous activities will be restricted, including upper body exercises, swimming, driving, and lifting heavy weights.

Potential Risks

Breast implant surgery, while generally safe and successful, carries potential risks. These include rare instances of infection, changes in sensation, or implant rupture, but such occurrences are typically minimized through advanced surgical techniques and careful post-operative care. Discussing these factors openly with a qualified surgeon, maintaining realistic expectations, and selecting a skilled professional can contribute to a positive and satisfying outcome for those considering the procedure.