Best Laser Hair Removal in Mumbai

Lasers: What Are They and How Do They Work?

What is the working principle of a laser? According to NASA, the term refers to the amplification of light by the stimulated emission of radiation. As described by Dr. Vinay Surgeon , a plastic surgeon in Mumbai , they are a type of skin resurfacing utilizing light and heat to improve skin tone, texture, and coloration. By causing a controlled injury to the body, the body heals, improving its appearance.

Research suggests that working out causes small tears in the muscles, which grow back stronger as a result. Light and heat energy are used in lasers to cause controlled damage to skin surfaces, triggering your body to respond by creating new tissue


Lasers are used for a variety of aesthetic indications such as


Laser resurfacing

Laser hair removal over face

Laser face rejuvenation

Laser treatment

Laser tightening

Laser for acne scars and other scars

Lasers for body hair removal treatment

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Laser resurfacing is a technique in which covalent bonds of a material are dissolved by a laser, using CO2 lasers. Laser resurfacing removes layer by layer with precision. The new cells that form during healing give the a tighter, younger-looking surface. The procedure can be done alone or with other cosmetic surgeries on the face.

Cosmetic laser resurfacing is a method for diminishing the appearance of imperfections on the ’s surface. During the laser resurfacing procedure a laser is used to dissolve the molecular bonds of the damaged cells layer by layer until a smoother, more uniform appearance is achieved.

Laser resurfacing is an effective procedure for patients with lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, or superficial facial scars such as acne scarring that does not respond to gentler treatments. The ideal candidate for laser resurfacing has elastic, non-oily that is not prone to scarring after minor injury.

Treatments are safe, effective and convenient. Also, the cost of cosmetic laser resurfacing is minimal compared to many other treatment options.

Types of Lasers

CO2 Lasers

The CO2 laser is the highest intensity laser treatment currently available. After being treated with the CO2 laser, the surface of the appears tighter and smoother because the laser uses heat to restrict the collagen bands found in the lower dermis. The CO2 laser can eliminate or diminish the appearance of most wrinkles, scars, warts and birthmarks.

Erbium Lasers

Erbium lasers are able to remove thinner layers of than the more powerful but less precise CO2 laser.

What is Laser Removal?

Laser hair removal is the process of hair removal by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for ‘permanent hair reduction’ in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Under the FDA’s definition, ‘permanent’ hair reduction is the long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing after a treatment regime. Indeed, many patients experience complete re-growth of hair on their treated areas in the years following their last treatment.

This means that although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair.

Hair grows in several phases (anagen, telogen, catagen) and a laser can only affect the currently active growing hair follicles (early anagen). Hence, several sessions are needed to damage the hair in all phases of growth and force it to revert back to a vellus non-colored small hair.


What is the process of laser hair removal?

Types of Lasers

Hair follicles are permanently damaged by the laser, which targets and burns the dark melanin pigment in the hair.

In comparison to other methods of hair reduction, lasers effectively treat larger areas of unwanted hair with minimal discomfort to the patient and fewer complications.

A cooling device is available with most lasers to prevent discomfort and overheating of the topmost layer of skin.

Do You Need To Do Anything After The Treatment?

In 1-2 days, irritation of the skin, accompanied by itching and burning, will subside. The treated area may be swollen, blistered, or red for 1-2 days after treatment. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can occur at high doses, especially in people with dark skin. After treatment, the treated area of skin must be protected from sunlight and UV rays. When you are outside, apply sunscreen.

The Plastic Surgeons in Mumbai provide laser hair removal in Mumbai. Using special ointments, the skin is cooled down after laser hair removal is completed through the pre-treatment procedure.